Monday, December 15, 2008

Nature vs. Nurture

The other weekend when we were back in Canada we stayed with Christopher's parents. After they went to bed we decided to take the dog for a walk.

When we went to the closet to bundle up with our coats and boots we came across an interesting site - two pairs of the same shoes. After closer inspection it turned out that Christopher and his dad have the exact same pair of Merrell hiking shoes. Each pair purchased independently of the other and through different channels (online vs. retail store) and in different countries (Canada vs. US).

The part that makes it even funnier is that Christopher hemmed and hawed over which shoes to buy over the course of at least a week. We had a friends & family coupon for Zappos, so we wanted to make sure we made our selections carefully. He read all the reviews and comments on the shoes that were highly rated by the site. And those shoes even come in 3 different colors.

But after all that research, I guess there's no denying what's in your genes. Chris looks so much like his father that there never was any question as to their relationship - but if there ever was, I guess this settles it!


Nancy said...

After taking this pic I ended up mixing up the two pairs of shoes - oops! Christopher was not impressed...

c said...

Hey nance, that's awesome =). Oh and congrats to Christopher on his bar admission!