Thursday, October 20, 2011

Guide to the park, part II

Just a few more tips for toddlers:

1. Dog spotting

A lot of people like to take dogs on walks through the park.  Also, people walk past the park with their dogs.  If you want to see all the dogs that walk by, it is best to get elevated as high as possible.  Climb up to the highest point that will give you a clear view of the rest of the park.  Then you can wait for doggies.  You will see them for sure.


2. The slide, again

Last time I described how to go down the slide the easy way.  Well, here’s how you do it like the big kids.  Above the top of the slide is a horizontal grab bar.  Run towards the slide, lower your head and grab onto the bar with both hands.  Swing your feet forward, and let go.  Pretty bad-ass, but not for the faint of heart.

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Here’s another tip for tougher slides.  Sometimes you’ll think you want to go down a pretty sleep slide, but then when you get to the top, it’s a little scarier than you initially thought.  Here’s the thing—if you turn around and walk away, you look like kind of a loser.  So sometimes you just need to chill at the top for a second to gather the courage to do it.  That’s fine, but if you’re going to do that, you have to make sure you don’t look scared.  Nonchalantly look around the park, like as if you are waiting for someone, checking out what some kid is doing, or looking at the ducks or geese (or dogs), or whatever.  Don’t look down the slide though.


3. The stairs

If you are just a little toddler, adults are going to encourage you to back down the stairs, crawling down with your hands on the stairs above.  Notice that the bigger kids don’t do that?  Here’s a little secret: the stairs are totally doable facing forward.  Just hold onto the handrail tight, and you’ll be fine.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eighteen months

Our little one is now a year and a half old. 

She takes just one nap a day now and sleeps pretty well at night.  She loves music: when she comes downstairs after waking in the morning, or from her nap, she usually heads over to the stereo and points at the DVD player and receiver, indicating that she wants us to put some tunes on.  We try to get her to walk up and down the stairs as much as we can stand it, but she’s easily distracted, and it takes her as long as five minutes, especially if she’s tired. 

She loves to eat rice, Chinese vegetables, and chocolate chips (on the rare occasions we let her). 

Her latest words include “dan dan” (egg), “po po” (maternal grandmother), “gong gong” (maternal grandfather), “rice”, “airplane”, “bat”, “bup bup” (her word for bunny rabbit), “elephant”, and “Tyson”.  She loves to say “butterfly” and usually yells it if she sees it in a book.

She still likes to do her version of yodeling.  The other day I taught her to yell “Yow!” when she touches the computer.  She practices her jumping now and then, though not as frequently as before… she still hasn’t got both feet off the ground at once. 

She likes to sit on the potty and read, but isn’t using it for its intended purpose yet.  Hates getting her diaper changed these days, so I hope I’ll be able to teach her soon.

The weather’s been good lately, and she’s enjoyed playing at the park.  She’s getting pretty good at using all the equipment, and sometimes puts up quite a fuss when it’s time to leave.  Below are some pictures taken at the park on her 1.5 year birthday.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011


When mommy’s away, clean-up time involves vacuuming.  So annoying…

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…and tiring.


Quick guide to the park

Just a couple quick tips for toddlers on how to behave at the park…

1. Navigating the bridge

The bridge can be intimidating, due to it’s humped nature.


If you get part way over but then get scared, it is okay to sit and scoot down.  This is preferable to getting stuck in the middle.


2. The slide

The slide can be tricky.  If you are facing forward, it is hard to get both feet pointed down on the slide, and then to move yourself forward such that you travel down the slide.  Also, it is scary to look down.  The solution is easy: get down on all fours, turn around, and then back down on your tummy.  Eventually enough of your body will be on the slide that gravity will take you the rest of the way down.





3.  Resting

It is okay to rest at the park.  Actually, it’s cool because gives you a chance to check out what the other kids are doing without having to concentrate on what you’re doing yourself.  However, if you are going to take a rest, it is important that you look good while doing so.  You don’t want to just sit down in the dirt.  You must find a bench (those things where adults sit) and then climb up and sit with an attentive, but laid-back, posture (see demonstration below).  Note that if you can convince a parent to put you on a swing, that may also be a good vantage point, and provide some rest as well (just be sure to hold on tight, otherwise you might smash your face into the chains).


Sunday, October 09, 2011

Future animal trainer




This kid is taking only one nap a day now.  It makes for some tired evenings.



Car enthusiast

This kid really likes cars.  “Vroom vroom” is one of her favorite things to say these days.


Saturday, October 08, 2011

Pooh bear

Ashley was without her Pooh bear for a few days while it was downstairs waiting to be washed.  The other morning I took it out of the dryer and put it on the couch.  She immediately went over to it, hugged it, and carried it around with her for quite a while!



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Wearing an envelope as a hat

We can't keep a hat on her head for more than about twenty seconds... but an envelope: no problem!



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Sunday, October 02, 2011

Toddler Wrestling

Nancy's been busy with work lately, but got a chance to catch up with her toddler on Thursday night with some tickling and wrestling:

Saturday, October 01, 2011
