Friday, December 07, 2007


Trees are nice to look at and picnic under. But it wasn't until we moved into this home that we realized how much work they are!

Raking: Never in my life have I raked so many leaves! Every weekend in the fall both Christopher and I would spend an entire day raking leaves. You have to in order to stay on top of things. I think this fall we must have raked enough leaves to fill 80-100 30 gallon yard waste bags. At an average of 30lb per bag (they are to hold a maximum of 60 lb each) that's 1.6-2 tons!

DISH: Tired of over-paying for cable, when we moved we decided to give satellite a try. However the large trees on our property have precluded this for us. The installation guy was up on our roof trying to find the signal, but had no luck. Comcast owns us!

Arborists: The trees on our lot were in desperate need of trimming since they had been neglected for many years before we came along to give them some TLC. These arborists don't come cheap: two guys + 1 chipper = $1000 for a day's work.

Branches: After an evening of freezing rain, a very large tree branch broke off and crashed through our phone and cable lines. We're lucky it didn't take out our electricity! Kudos to AT&T and Comcast for getting everything back up and running within 48hrs though. I thought it would have taken longer.

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