Friday, January 12, 2007

Hot Water Woes

Our main bathroom upstairs doesn't get the hottest water. Christopher has turned up the temperature on the hot water heater a couple of times, but we still haven't found the optimal setting.

Generally this isn't a problem for daily showers. The only time it's really an issue is when I want to take a bath. While I do enjoy the odd bubble bath, I rarely have the time for them. When I travel for work I'll often enjoy one - taking advantage of the nice soaps that are supplied in my hotel room :)

At home though, one time when I really need a bath is when I'm sick. I often get the chills and a nice hot bath that just envelopes me in warmth is the best way for me to feel better. On Thursday I started to feel a little achy and had a bit of a fever, so I thought I'd draw a bath for myself.

Since we've moved into this house I've only tried to have one other bath and it was a complete disaster - the water simply wasn't hot enough. Desperate for a decent bath, this time we used the stove to heat water in several of our largest pots and also boiled water in our electric kettle. It was alot of work, but so worth the effort. I felt like a princess in medieval times as Christopher shuttled up and down the stairs to add hot water into my bath - thanks Christopher, you're the best!

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