Thursday, January 04, 2007

Christmas Holiday Update

For the Christmas Holidays we packed up the car with the dog, cat, tons of Christmas presents, Christopher & myself and made a run for the border. Over the 10 days we were back in town we ate ourselves silly, catching up with various friends and family over lunches, coffees, dinners and drinks. While we were back we ate at Asian Legend, Congee Wong, Swiss Chalet (twice - we have yet to find a suitable replacement here in CT), and had Dim Sum two times as well. Needless to say, we both have New Year's resolutions to lose the holiday poundage we've packed on :)

As usual - it was great to see everyone again! We haven't made any really close friends down here yet so it's nice to go back home and have a full social calendar.

Over the holidays we split up our stay between Christopher's parents' place and my parents' house, spending time with both our families. But we're super-lucky because our parents get along really well and they often spend the holidays together, never really forcing us to choose between one family and the other. Plus they live close to each other so we don't have to spend alot of time driving between their houses.

Highlights of the trip:

  • scoring 2 packages of roasted seaweed hand-imported directly from Korea by my cousin's sister-in-law. So tasty - I ate a whole package in 1 day!
  • Kathy's homemade nuts & bolts - she uses corn pops in her secret recipe and they're like little spheres of golden goodness
  • playing mah jong for 3 nights in a row with my parents and finally getting a decent understanding of how the game works (Christopher even mentioned that he thinks that he likes mah jong better than POKER!)
  • the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular preceded by a wonderful dinner at Jamie Kennedy's Wine Bar
  • hosting a New Year's Eve dinner party at Christopher's parents' house (they had left for Florida) with some friends. I tried out all new recipes from the Barefoot Contessa cookbook that I got from my cousin for Christmas and they all turned out great (if I do say so myself!). We also made homemade bellinis and whiskey sours from scratch that were surprisingly tasty!

We wish everyone all the best for 2007 - may the New Year bring you health, wealth & happiness!

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