Thursday, April 08, 2010

Nesting Phase 1 - Sewing

The idea of 'nesting' seemed so funny to me, but I suppose all creatures go through some sort of preparation phase when expecting a little one. Looking back, I think I kicked off the nest-preparation phase of my pregnancy with some sewing projects.

After I finished the bird mobile hand-sewing project I decided to challenge myself with some sewing-machine projects. Now keep in mind that I am most certainly a beginner sewer and that I only ever use 1 stitch type on my machine and still struggle to sew a straight seam. Since we purchased the machine for the Christmas Cape project back in 2008, I have only used it to hem the occasional pair of pants. And I only attempt this for inexpensive pants that if I ruin I won't be heartbroken - expensive/designer clothes still go to the seamstress for hemming (and I'm ok with paying for this since I don't have alot of clothes in this category anyways).

As it turns out, there are quite a few projects that even a beginner sewer can tackle. The key is to look for ones with no (or minimal) stitching that is visible on the outside. Besides, babies can't tell if your seams are straight anyways, right? :) And after I finished the first one I had the confidence (and extra fabric) to try making other things and it just snowballed from there!

Here is what I've sewn so far (notice how everything is with the same fabric!!):

Soft Blocks

Laundry Hamper
(to make this I purchased a perfectly good laundry hamper from Target, spray painted the frame white and used the fabric part as a "pattern" for my sewing)

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Last night while I was sewing through thick towels making a hooded towel for the baby my sewing machine broke!

I was so upset because I had planned a bunch of things I wanted to sew for the baby over this weekend and there would be no way to have the machine replaced/repaired in time to finish these projects before the baby arrives.

Christopher managed to calm me down and we took the dog for a walk. After we came home, we opened up the machine to find that only the belt had slipped off. So we put it back on, closed up the machine and it was fixed!

I can't believe how stressed out I was about my broken sewing machine. Pregnancy hormones can do that to you I guess!!