Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Crying Wolf

The other night I awoke to a painful leg cramp in my right calf. Pre-pregnancy I had only experienced this once before - maybe sometime back in 2002? Yes, it was that memorable :)

I have read that leg cramps are common amongst those in their third trimester. So far I have experienced two and am not looking forward to any more.

Every time I have had a leg cramp (even pre-pregnancy) it has been at night while I'm sleeping - is that weird? It totally catches me off guard. The twitching of my calf muscle sort of rouses me from my slumber and then before I am fully aware of what is going on - the muscle seizes up.

The first time I had one a few weeks ago I woke up screeching in pain. Poor Christopher - he woke up right away and thought I was going into labor! At least this time I had the good sense to say "LEG CRAMP!" so he didn't freak out quite so much.

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