Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Irony of Blogging

Yes it has been awhile since I have updated this blog. I am going to use the excuse that I was "too busy". And isn't that the great irony of blogging? When you have lots of stuff going on in your life, you just don't have a spare minute to sit down and document it. Or that's the excuse anyways!

Well I am back now on the wagon now and going to make a more concerted effort to update the blog with all the fun an exciting things going on in my life - and write some posts to fill in the 5.5 month gap.

PS. Thanks to all of you that voted for Tyson in the Bissell contest. He didn't come anywhere close to winning but don't worry, I still love him just the same! I was shocked to see how many pets were entered into the Bissell contest, ~3000 each week?!? It's nice to see so many well loved animals out there!

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