Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Start of Summer

In Canada, Victoria Day long-weekend unofficially marks the beginning of the summer season. In the US, the same can be said for the following weekend - Memorial Day. Victoria Day is celebrated on the last Monday before or on May 24th and Victoria day is the last Monday in May.

Christopher and I returned to Canada both of these weekends for weddings back home. It always amazes me how much of a temperature difference there is between Toronto and West Hartford. It's a 7.5 hr drive and yesterday there was a 7 degree Celsius difference in their highs (22 in Toronto, 29 in West Hartford). Typically, West Hartford is ahead of Toronto by 3-4 weeks weather-wise.

I think if they Memorial Day and Victoria Day could be swapped that would be a good thing! I remember celebrating many Victoria Day weekends where cold and rainy conditions prevailed on our camping trips. And for all those who wait until Memorial Day to open their pools, they could have had two extra weeks to enjoy them (in Connecticut at least). The states that are further south would probably have no problem with this, and the colder states - well we can only do so much, if the colder weather bothers you that much you should think about moving south...

Oh well - since I celebrate US holidays now, at least my Memorial Day holidays in CT will be BBQ & pool friendly :) (hopefully I haven't jinxed myself by saying this!) If you're ever in the area for a Memorial/Victoria Day weekend feel free to stop by our place for a cold one and a BBQ (or cookout as they call it in New England).

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