Friday, January 06, 2012


Back at the end of November, Nancy had to go to DC for work for a couple days, so Ashley and I tagged along.

The first day, I just walked Ashley down to the National Mall and let her run around (or just stand and pose with her giraffe):


She loved running around the slopes and little steps of the World War II Memorial…

2011-11-30_124658 2011-11-30_124920
…watching helicopters fly by…
…and inspecting the plaques on the walls of the Memorial.

The next day was Ashley’s first trip to a zoo.  The National Zoo was perfect for her that day—it was empty as it was a relatively cool midweek day, so I occasionally could just let her run around.  Her favorite area was actually the kids' area with farm animals and a large pizza that she could climb around on.


(Above is Ashley staring at the goat below.)


That night after dinner we checked out the Christmas tree at the Ellipse.  Ashley loved wearing her Santa hat and sang the Raffi song, "Must Be Santa" as we pushed her around in her stroller.


It was a nice couple days and a great place to take a toddler.

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