Friday, December 16, 2011

Twenty months

2011-12-15_172822 Ashley’s changed a lot in the last month.  She seems to have had a bit of a word explosion, and seems to know the noun for anything she regularly encounters.  A few favorite phrases now:

- Careful [something].  We used to say “careful Ashley” whenever she was walking around Tyson to try to stop her from stepping on his tail.  Now she says “careful dog dog” whenever she walks around him.  She’ll also do it for “dada”, “mama”, “blanket”, etc.  She seems to have kind of missed the point of the word “careful” but at least she does tend to walk carefully when she’s telling others to be careful.

- [Something] fell down.  Not always true, but she likes to say “tree fell down”, “fork fell down”, or whatever.

- [Something] come off.  Usually talking about her boots, and either means that she wants them off, or they fell off.

She has a clear favorite song-- “Must be Santa” by Raffi.  She asks to hear it by pointing at the DVD player and saying “Santa”.  And she’ll sing lines from it on her own spontaneously.  Her current favorite overall album is “A Duck in New York City” by Connie Kaldor though.

Almost every object around the house is categorized as being either “Mama’s” or “Dada’s”.  Mama’s purse, juice, hat, phone, boots, garbage.  Dada’s vacuum, camera, shoes, coffee, tea. 

She seems to have a pretty good idea of whatever we’re talking about.  If Nancy and I discuss what we want to have for dinner, for example, she’ll almost always pipe up with a suggestion (usually cheese).  The other day Nancy was ordering a pizza.  She asked for a large with sausage and mushrooms and Ashley added, “cheese!” 

She’s had at least two new teeth come in this past month.  Upper and lower, right side of her mouth, teeth between the front and first molars are starting to come in.  That makes 14.

It’s been a rough month for sleeping with the teething and a couple of colds.  She’s spent a lot of time in our bed, but we trying to put an end to that.  We’ve been visiting her in her room and reading her stories the last couple nights, instead of letting her go to our bed.  It’s been surprising to us how quickly she seems to be catching on to what’s going on.  She adapts by saying different things (like calling for the dog instead of either of us!) or changing the pace or path of her run to the door after we put her back in her crib.

The next update will be her trip to DC a couple weeks ago.

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