Thursday, November 18, 2010

Seven Months

Ashley, I know that you are just as shocked as I am that you are already seven months old.

At seven months, you are:
 - 28 inches tall, and weigh about 18 pounds.
 - Blowing raspberries a lot.  We don't know what it means though!
 - Still not quite able to crawl.  You haven't quite figured out how to coordinate your arms and legs.  You will typically get about one "step" forward before you fall on your tummy.  Alternatively, and depending on the floor surface, your hands will get better traction than your knees, and because you don't know to move your hands forward yet, you end up pushing yourself backwards.
 - Not quite bringing yourself up to a sitting position on your own, but you're close.  You will push yourself up part way with one arm though, and chill like that for quite a while.
 - Really enjoying your walks with your doggy.  You just sit quietly in your stroller and watch the world go by.
 - Eating a couple of meals of solid food a day.  You really like bananas and apples these days, but are getting tired of sweet potato.
 - Finally starting to get some new hair on that cute little head of yours!

Ashley, Nov 15, 2010.

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