Monday, April 06, 2009


After reading rave reviews from friends about the Twilight series, I decided to grab a copy from our local library.

I never got into the whole Buffy the Vampire Slayer scene, so I was skeptical. I mean really - how much would I enjoy a teen vampire romance novel? ALOT apparently!

After the first book I was hooked. I read it in about 2-3 days. Didn't do much else that weekend. I quickly placed holds on the remaining 3 books at the library. But like an addict, I couldn't just sit around and wait for my next fix. I needed to DO something to make it happen.

I scoured the online catalogs of the surrounding libraries that have reciprocal agreements with our town. I found a copy on the shelf, but it was 8:15pm and the library closed at 8pm. I came *this close* to breaking down and going to Barnes & Noble to buy it, but in a moment of strength refrained (luckily a new episode of Gossip Girl was on that evening).

Was I embarrassed when I went to pick up the book at the library the next day and a girl that couldn't have been much older than 13 asked me if I had seen the movie yet? YES! But I felt a little better about myself when the librarian told me that she had read all 4 books over her last vacation.

I am now in the middle of the fourth and final book. I have put my life on hold for this series - unable to do anything else until I have finished it. Laundry is piling up. The fridge is barren. My in-laws are coming for a visit this weekend so I need to finish the book tonight so I can have some time in the evenings to prepare for their visit.

I have yet to see the movie, but I doubt it will live up to my high expectations. Plus I am a little scared to watch it on my own - even though I know everything that happens, I would still prefer to wait for Christopher to come home on the weekend to watch it with me, just in case I have some vampire-filled nightmares.

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